Why should I join the Tennessee Automotive Association?
A. There are many good reasons for membership. TAA provides frontline representation before government and elected officials who make important decisions about our businesses, our employees, our customers and our future. Our publications are an excellent way to stay in the know about issues that impact us on a daily basis. It is a way to receive year-round news about the industry. We are widely recognized as an excellent source for relevant year-round news about the industry. It is a great way to network and get to know others in the industry as well as people in the businesses that serve the motor vehicle dealers of Tennessee.
Who should members call if they have a question about an issue?
A. Please call 615-269-3433 and ask for Tim Slattery or Kelly Barber. The links section of this website also has some handy connections to information on state and federal legislative and regulatory bodies.
What is a good way to contribute to candidates who do a good job of representing us?
A. The TAA’s Capitol Hill representatives watch out for you daily throughout the year on matters affecting car and truck dealers in Tennessee. They know very well who our supporters are in Nashville and Washington. The best way for you to support pro-business candidates is by donating each year to the Concerned Automotive Retailers Political Action Committee (CARPAC.) That committee decides how to best allocate the funds to allies in the legislature. The address is 2521 White Avenue, Nashville, TN 37204. Please call 615-269-3433 if you have any questions about contribution limits or disclosure requirements. Or check us out online by donating to CARPAC here. For more info – go www.tncarpac.com
Which TAA events should I attend?
A. There is an annual membership meeting of the Tennessee Automotive Association held in mid-June each year. In the fall, TAA hosts six meetings across the state in order to discuss the opportunities and challenges facing our industry one-on-one with our members. These are worthwhile for keeping abreast of issues and trends, as well as for networking purposes. In addition, we strongly recommend attending the annual NADA Convention & Exposition. Their workshops and supplier exhibits are without peer.
What is the TAA doing to keep up with online services and new technology?
A. While your association has achieved great success and accolades with conventional communications strategies through the years, we are in the process of making changes that streamline our methods of communication. The site will soon has a members’ directory that is password-protected. The site also serve as a repository for past issues of the TAA Bulletin.